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FALL 2024
Check out our interview with Matthew K. Ward for the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center's podcast, Inner RhythmTruth and the Body in Contemporary Art.
Our walkthrough at the Avram Gallery can also be found on the PK House YouTube at this link.

The duration of our show at the Avram Gallery of Stony Brook Southampton, and our installation at the Pollock-Krasner House, has been extended and is still on view as of December 2024.

We are delighted to announce that we have been invited to present a solo show at the Rosewood Arts Center (Kettering, OH) in 2025. Our exhibition (title TBD) will run April 21 - May 24. More info soon.
We are also delighted to share that we will also 
present a solo show of our collaborative work at Buckham Gallery in 2026. 

Ghi has been selected as the Paul Hanna Lecture Speaker for the Texas Association of Schools of Art's 2024 Conference: Mapping Across Lines.

We are delighted to announce our upcoming solo show, Lovefeast, at the Avram Gallery of Stony Brook Southampton, curated by Matthew K. Ward of the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center. A recent small work(!) will show at the PK House, where it will hang between the marital beds of Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner.  The show will open Friday, June 21. Read more here

APRIL 2024
Our work was selected for inclusion in Issue 49 of The Adroit Journal.

LATE 2023 // EARLY 2024
Ghi has begun her work as Interim Director of the School of Art at Texas Tech University.

Our collaborative drawing, Ablation (ablution), is on view through March 23 at the Au Naturel: The Nude in the 21st Century invitational at Royal Nebeker Gallery (Astoria, OR). The show was co-curated by Clatsop Community College Instructor and Gallery Director Kristin Shauck and Ghi. Many thanks to Kristin for inviting us to contribute a work to the show. Find more info about the show and participating artists here.

The 2023 Amarillo Museum of Art Biennial 600, juried by Anna Walker (curator, Lawndale Art Center, Houston, TX) opens on October 14. Susquehanna University's 14th Annual Figurative Art Exhibition, juried by Nicole M. Santiago (Professor, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA), opens October 28.

Our drawing, Ablation (ablution), was curated into Boundless Whispers, a virtual exhibition presented by Eve Leibe Gallery (London, UK) in partnership with Artsin Square. View the show on Artsy here.

Our collaborative solo show, Corpus Secretum (body secret), runs June 30 - August 19 in the Program Gallery of Arts Fort Worth (Fort Worth, TX). The opening reception takes place Friday, July 7, 6 PM - 9 PM.
Learn more about the show via the Arts Fort Worth website & coverage by the TTU School of Art.
We are honored by Sophia Del Rio's review of the show, accessible on the Glasstire website

Our piece, Clipping, will appear in Acceptance, the 20th issue of Toronto-based zine, Feels.

We have a piece showing in More is Never Enough at Field Projects in Chelsea, curated by Triton Mobley. The show opens Thursday, April 20.

Give a listen to our interview with Dr. Michael Borshuk on the
Humanities Now podcast: A Conversation about Art and the Body with Ghi Fremaux and Lando Valdez.

We were once again privileged to discuss our work with renowned, at-large genius Shira Erlichman. Ghi spoke about an old drawing we're currently revising in a beautiful piece published on Shira's Substack: See yourself as a landscape — Dispatch #9: untrappable, never frozen

Ghi & Lando recently gave a podcast interview, which we'll share soon, and will soon begin preparing for another solo show of our collaborative work in 2024.

We are pleased to share that we will present an exhibition of our collaborative work at Arts Fort Worth in 2023. Ghi will be showing in Fragments at Strata Gallery in Santa Fe, NM, opening January 3.

We have a piece showing in Unmasked: Contemporary Portraiture at LBIF in Loveladies, NJ. The show was juried by Dr. Jessica T. Smith, Susan Gray Detweiler Curator of American Art and Manager of the Center for American Art at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and is on view July 16 through August 14.
Our piece was awarded Third Place by Dr. Smith.

We are exhibiting a collaborative work in Full Circle at Penn State University's Zoller Gallery (State College, PA), on the invitation of curators Giulia Livi and D'Nae Harrison. August 22 - September 16.

We are pleased to announce that we've had work accepted into Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center's competitive INDA 15 publication, expected to print in 2023.

Ghi is on faculty development leave this fall, working on a collaborative project with TTUHSC El Paso's Division of Gastroenterology. Lando is working on solo and commissioned projects. We have new collaborative work underway.

In late October, Ghi will be a visiting artist on In Surreal Life (@insurreallife), founded and run by the brilliant Shira Erlichman.

APRIL 2022
Ghi gave interviews on two podcasts: The Inside Kids with Ricki Castanieto & Bernadine Franco's Beyond the Paint. Topics covered include Ghi & Lando's collaborative partnership, new projects, censorship, teaching, cameras, and faces. 
Ghi will be a visiting artist at the University of Texas Permian Basin Department of Art in mid-April. 

MARCH 2022
We're so pleased to announce our inclusion in Volume 5 of Southwest Contemporary: Collectivity + Collaboration, juried by Darren Jones. Order a copy @
We have work showing in the ArtsinSquare #1 virtual exhibition, viewable at
Ghi will show two paintings in the Feminist Connect exhibition opening at March First Friday in Lubbock, curated by Leslie Sotomayor and Sally Brown. She will take part in a Zoom panel discussion at noon (CST) on Friday, March 4. 

Ghi and Lando will be visiting artists at the University of Texas El Paso Department of Art on February 23 in El Paso, TX. 

Ghi has work in the upcoming BODY POLITICS exhibition at ARC Gallery in Chicago. Ghi & Lando will announce another professional opportunity awarded for their collaborative work soon.

Ghi & Lando spent the month of October in residence at the Anderson Center at Tower View in Red Wing, MN, with co-residents, poet Preeti Kaur Rajpal and novelist Karen Smyte. They've emerged with five pieces, the makings of a new body of work, which cover considerable conceptual ground - incl. spiritual and erotic ecstasy, and the history of surgery and anatomical study. We'll publish images on the website soon.
We have finished building a studio on our property, and hope to carry the creative momentum from our time at the Anderson Center forward as we resume our regular practice. 
Ghi has been working on medical illustrations, one for an upcoming publication; Lando has been working on commissions (which we'll post soon, too) and the development of new work. 

APRIL 2021
Work shown in virtual exhibition Models in Motion, juried by Jim Morphesis, awarded Best in Show.

MARCH 2021
We've got work in Thick @ ShockBoxx Gallery, viewable on Ghi's work is included in Les Femmes Folles: Feminist Connect

Our collaborative work, Extruded, is showing in the 12th Annual Drawing Discourse exhibition juried by Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum, in the virtual gallery of UNC Asheville.

JULY 2020
We are delighted to have two works curated into Repose by Leslie Moody Castro, via Artists4Artists. July 1 - August 1, 2020. 
f,or,ever will premiere at the Barrett Art Center on July 11, in Paint: Medium as Power in a Time of Crisis, juried by Juana Williams (Curator, Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts, KCAD). The show runs through August 15. 

MAY 2020
f,or,ever will continue to be on display at the Salina Art Center through late June, before taking a wall at the Barrett Art Center in Poughkeepsie, NY. Updates coming.

APRIL 2020
f,or,ever premiered (virtually) at the Salina Biennial and was awarded Second Place by Ksenya Gurshtein. Gurshtein discusses the piece on the Salina Art Center's YouTube channel. Ghi gave a video interview, also viewable there.   

Ghi & Lando have been awarded a residency at the Anderson Center in Red Wing, MN, for August 2020. 


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