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((abridged cv))



2012  M.F.A. in Painting, Penn State University, State College, PA


2007  B.F.A., Tufts University with the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA


2005  A.A. with Distinction, Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Great Barrington, MA


2006  Corcoran College of Art + Design, Washington, DC (PAINTING COURSES)


2004  Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA (DRAWING COURSES)


2023 —   Interim Director, School of Art, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX


2020 —   Full-time Faculty, Associate Professor of Art, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX


2019 —   Area Chair, Painting, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX


2014–'20  Full-time Faculty, Assistant Professor of Art, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX


2012–'14  Full-time Faculty, Visiting Assistant Professor of Art, Penn State University, State College, PA


2010–'12  Graduate Teacher [Instructor of Record], Penn State University, State College, PA




Cutaneous Vision, solo show of collaborative work, Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI* (FORTHCOMING)



[Title TBD], solo show of collaborative work, Rosewood Arts Center, Kettering, OH* (FORTHCOMING)


Lovefeast, six-week solo show of collaborative work curated by Matthew Ward (Director, Pollock-Krasner House & Study Center, East Hampton, NY), Avram Gallery, Stony Brook Southampton, Southampton, NY*



Corpus Secretum (body secret), seven-week show of collaborative work with Lando Valdez, Program Gallery, Arts Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX*
More is Never Enoug
h, international, juried and curated by Triton Mobley, Field Projects, New York, NY*

Fragments, international/juried, Strata Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

AMoA BIENNIAL-600, regional, juried by Anna Walker (Executive Director, Lawndale Art Center, Houston, TX), Amarillo Museum of Art, Amarillo, TX*

14th Annual Figurative Art Exhibition, national, juried by Nicole M. Santiago, Lore Degenstein Gallery, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA*

Boundless Whispers, international/juried, virtual exhibition with Eve Leibe Gallery (London, UK), curated in partnership with*



BODY POLITICS, juried by Ginny Sykes, ARC Gallery, Chicago, IL

Unmasked: Contemporary Portraiture, national, juried by Dr. Jessica T. Smith (Susan Grey Detweiler Curator of American Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art), Long Beach Island, NJ*

#1 Artsin Square Exhibition, international/juried, virtual exhibition via*

Full Circle, invitational, group exhibition curated by Giulia Livi and D'Nae Harrison, Zoller Gallery, State College, PA*



12th Annual Drawing Discourse, juried by Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum, virtual exhibition via University of North Carolina Asheville, Asheville, NC*

Feminist Connect, juried by Leslie C. Sotomayor and Sally Brown, virtual exhibition via Les Femmes Folles

Models in Motion, juried by Jim Morphesis, virtual exhibition via San Fernando Valley Arts & Cultural Center, Encino, CA*

Thick, international/juried, ShockBoxx, Hermosa Beach, CA*



Repose, virtual group exhibition curated by Leslie Moody Castro, via Artists4Artists*

Paint: Medium as Power in a Time of Crisis, juried by Juana Williams (Curator, Urban Institute of Contemporary Arts, Grand Rapids, MI), Barrett Art Center, Poughkeepsie, NY*

Salina Biennial: Contemporary Art from the Mountain Plains Region, juried by Ksenya Gurshtein (Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita, KS), Salina Art Center, Salina, KS*

Au Naturel: The Nude in the 21st Century, international/juried, Royal Nebeker Gallery, Clatsop Community College, Astoria, OR



Carnal Unknowing, Jackson Dinsdale Art Center, Hastings College, Hastings, NE [SOLO]

Your Slippery Body: from between my fingers, Mantle Art Space, San Antonio, TX [SOLO]

11th Annual NUDE Exhibition, MANIFEST Creative Research Gallery & Drawing Center, Cincinnati, OH

EvE: Empowerment v. Exploitation, Tea Roots w. Warehouse 416 & also exhibited at Temescal Studios, San Francisco and Oakland, CA 


This Acceptable Body, Dedo Maranville Gallery, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA [SOLO]

10th Annual NUDE Exhibition, MANIFEST Creative Research Gallery & Drawing Center, Cincinnati, OH

53rd Annual National Juried Exhibition, juried by Katie Pfohl, St. Tammany Art Association, Covington, LA

The Nude: Brutal Beauty, Lexington Art League, Lexington, KY 

The Shape of Change, juried by Amy Eva Raehse, Cade Gallery, Anne Arundel CC, Arnold, MD 

PUNCH Projects Presents: Barnstorm 2018, SODO District, Ellensburg, WA 

2018 Decatur Arts Festival, The Dalton Gallery, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA

Excavations; Shindig, Mantle Art Space, San Antonio, TX 

Portrait Revolution, Chico Art Center, Chico, CA
2018 Oso Bay Biennial, Weil Gallery, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX


COME/APART, K Space Contemporary, Corpus Christi, TX [SOLO] 

Skin of Years: Nudism and the Aging Body, Juanita Harvey Art Gallery, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX [SOLO]
Body Politic: Classical, Contemporary Drawings, Royal Nebeker Gallery, Clatsop CC, Astoria, OR [2-PERSON W. HENK PANDER
19th Annual Works on Paper, juried by Jane Panetta, LBI Foundation for the Arts and Sciences, Loveladies, NJ 
The Next Big Thing 2017, Studio Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA 
8 to Create, [co][lab], via University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 
Au Naturel: The Nude in the 21st Century, Royal Nebeker Gallery, Clatsop Community College, Astoria, OR 


Our Bodies Our Selves, Martha Gault Gallery, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA 
2016 SECAC Juried Exhibition, Eleanor D. Wilson Museum, Hollins University, Roanoke, VA 
Figuratively Speaking, curated by Dab Art, The HUD Gallery + Studios, Ventura, CA 
18th Annual Works on Paper, juried by Carter E. Foster, LBI Foundation for the Arts and Sciences, Loveladies, NJ 
It Figures, ARC Gallery, Chicago, IL 
Flesh + Bone II, Hillyer Art Space, Washington, DC 
L'Autoritratto: The Original Selfie Show, InLiquid Art + Design, Philadelphia, PA 



Brand 43 Annual Works on Paper Juried Exhibition, juried by Kent Twitchell, Brand Library Art Galleries, Glendale, CA
Fragments: The Art of Collage and Assemblage, Arts Benicia, Benicia, CA 
2015 Third Coast National, K Space Contemporary, Corpus Christi, TX 
17th Annual Works on Paper, juried by Carter E. Foster, LBI Foundation for the Arts and Sciences, Loveladies, NJ 
The Base Line: An Exhibition on Drawing, ARC Gallery, Chicago, IL 
The Feminist Sex Shoppe, On The Ground Floor, Los Angeles, CA 
26th National Print and Drawing Exhibition, Gormley Gallery, Notre Dame of Maryland University, Baltimore, MD 

28th Annual September Competition, Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, LA

Drawn, Quartered, Satellite Gallery, Lubbock, TX



Narcissism and the Self-Portrait, Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, NY 
BAVIC 9 [Central American Isthmus Biennial], Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, Cent.Am. 
9th Nicaraguan Visual Arts Biennial, Centro Cultural Nicaragüense Norteamericano, curated by Omar Lopez-Chahoud, Managua, Nicaragua, Cent.Am. 



Body Dirt, The Refrigerator, Richmond, VA
Silent Communication, Linus Galleries, Pasadena, CA 
Sixth Annual Summer Juried Show, Sylvia White Gallery, Ventura, CA 
Legacy of Creative Endeavors, Bellefonte Art Museum, Bellefonte, PA 
Public/Private, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL 
Solemnity, Flow Art Space, Minneapolis, MN



The 10th A.I.R. Gallery Biennial: Thirty-six cats and one stripe pussy, curated by Ingrid Schaffner, A.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 

Art in Embassies, Embassy of the United States, Managua, Nicaragua, Cent.Am.

This is What Feminist Research Looks Like: Graduate Research Conference 2012, Bank of America Building, State College, PA



Feminist Matter(s): Propositions and Undoings, Regina Miller Galleries, Pittsburgh, PA



Issue Forty-Nine, The Adroit Journal, international/juried publication, New York, NY, USA*



INDA 15: The 15th International Drawing Annual, international/juried. Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA*

Feels, Issue 20: Acceptance, international/juried. Toronto, Ontario, CA*



Southwest Contemporary, Vol. 5: Collectivity + Collaboration, regional, juried by Darren Jones, U.S. editor-at-large for New Art Examiner and frequent contributor to Artforum. Santa Fe, NM, USA*



Usiakimi Igbaseimokumo, MBBS, FRCSC, FACS, Ghislaine Fremaux, MFA. "Thinking Inside the Box and Outside the Box: The Power Of Peer Pressure in Medical Decision Making - A Neurosurgical Case Illustration." Niger Delta Medical Journal, Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2021, pp. 61 - 64. 



Into the Void, Issue 7, international/juried. Toronto, Ontario, CA



INDA 12: The 12th International Drawing Annual, international/juried. Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA



Winter Tangerine, Vol. 5, international/juried. New York, NY, USA



Dialogist, Vol. II, Issue IV, international/juried. 



Paul Hanna Lecture award, Texas Association of Schools of Art (TASA) 2024 Conference: Mapping Across Lines, San Antonio, TX



Third Place, Unmasked: Contemporary Portraiture, LBIF, Long Beach Island, NJ*



Best of Show, Models in Motion, San Fernando Valley Arts & Cultural Center, Encino, CA*



First Place, Au Naturel, Royal Nebeker Gallery, Clatsop Community College, Astoria, OR


Second Place, Salina Biennial: Contemporary Art from the Mountain Plains Region, Salina Art Center, Salina, KS*



Best of Show, conferred by Katie Pfohl, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at NOMA, 53rd Annual Juried Exhibition, St. Tammany Art Association, Covington, LA


Third Place, 2018 Decatur Arts Festival, Dalton Gallery, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA


Winner, Arts in Medicine Poster Showcase, Spark Conference, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX


Best of Show, Excavations; Shindig, Mantle Art Space, San Antonio, TX


CH Foundation Arts in Medicine Grant, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX


Best of Show, Portrait Revolution, Chico Art Center, Chico, CA



People's Choice Award, Au Naturel, Royal Nebeker Gallery, Clatsop Community College, Astoria, OR



TTU Scholarship Catalyst Program, funding for proposed research, Skin of Years: Nudism and the Aging Body, Lubbock, TX     


Honorable Mention, conferred by Carter E. Foster, Steven and Ann Ames Curator of Drawing at the Whitney Museum of American Art, 18th Annual Works on Paper Exhibition, LBIF, Loveladies, NJ


Best In Show, It Figures, ARC Gallery, Chicago, IL 



Second Place Award, conferred by Carter E. Foster, Steven and Ann Ames Curator of Drawing at the Whitney Museum of American Art, 17th Annual Works on Paper Exhibition, LBIF, Loveladies, NJ


Honorable Mention, BODY BEAVTIFVL, Ciel Gallery, Charlotte, NC



Funding for proposed research, granted by PSU SOVA and College of Arts and Architecture, State College, PA



Creative Achievement Award, Penn State University, State College, PA



Graduate Research Exhibition Second Place Award, Penn State University, State College, PA



Graduate Assistantship, Penn State University, State College, PA



Berkshire Art Association Fellowship, Pittsfield, MA



Sadie C. Miller Scholarship, Great Barrington, MA


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